guess how long i slept. 9 freaking hours!!! hahahahaha
anyways, yesterday was fun with the 5th & 4th SC!
at first, i though it was gonna be like you know 2 hours or something. because meeting what.
& so hayati and i decided to watch a movie as she finishes at like 1230 or something lidat.
who knows it ended like at 430 and so we had to cancel the date. real sorry yah! & jianshen just woke up at like iforgotwhattime but it was so late. LOL
supposed to meet aishah(o7a1) for breakfast but i didnt feel like eating early in the morning so i met her at the bb mrt station at 0910. saw atikah & friends. so when we reached, i think the first game we played was the icebreaker games. was wacko or smthing lidat. and aishah was my partner. hahahahaha. cool eh to have the same name? LOL. den we played the husband & wife. it was kinda hilarious seeing the wives running away from the husband & the husband is like a blur sotong. hahhahhaha. funnnnn. eh then i forgot what we played leh. LOL! i'm just gonna say what i remembered alright. we also played the game whereby we had to stand on a bench & we had to be in order like from the shortest to the longest hair. of cos the girls will be at one side right cos our hair is like longer from the boys. but some girls had to move from the middle. so is like. you have to touch everyone around you. including the guys. LOL. it was alright for me. hahahaha. [i feel like saying this one thing but i thnk i shall not hurt the person :D]
we had pizzas for lunch! i ate one slice only. and i was full. i'm serious. HEH.
& anthony kept insisting that me and aishah were twins cos we look kinda alike.
we dont rite? -.-"
& we did the MI dance also. i wasnt here for the JAE orientation so i didnt know the steps at all. but i'm glad i can do the steps! kinda fun uh :D hehehehe.
after which we still played games. urm. i thnk was the like one person had to go to the front and the group must guess what the person is acting out. hahahha. damn funny lah. there was one word aishah had to perform. "mr woodcock" & like she went to the chair and hit it. LOL & the guys suggested another afterwards. tsk tsk. LOL.
then was serious business. we went into our groups for the orientation.
i'm with maria, zul & fathi. and with the NEC people, cheryl & kamal.
i'm from BARNEY!!! HEH HEH HEH. =D
i love you, you love me
we are happy family :D
we were released at around 430 and i acc aishah to westmall to buy bubble tea. but i bought seaweed rings also. LOL. i guess i'm very hungry that's why i'm eating it right now. but dont think i can finish it. so i guess i'll continue tmr. LOL.
gonna play ps2 right now because i cant go back to sleep. hahahahahaha
[stole this from atikah's blog. lol]
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