i'm sorry for the lack of updates.
simply because for the past few days i had orientation.
so when i reach home, too tired to update.
so today is a weekend! :D
so let me review what i did from saturday 16th feb onwards.
16th feb. went to meet the games committee people to buy the necessary stuffs for the games.
met them at bugis and we went bras basah & went to national library to discusss about the stuffs
urm. on that day my toe was still being bandaged & so was quite hard to walk around
and i encountered some F mats. was in the mrt & they stood in front of me.
and the guy was being such an ass and he was holding a skateboard. & so was afraid when he tried to put down near my toe -.-"
stoooooooopid mats.
anyway when they left, i was so relieved! wahahha.
went to eat dinner with sixuan after that.
ate macs :D wahaha.
17th feb. still had the bandage on.
was confused cos couldnt decide where to do the project.
so afterwards we decided to go to nikki's house.
so met faezah first cos the rest were going to be late.
did the project till about 8 plus to 9?
and had our dinner at KFC before going home.
18th feb. wore shoes to school cos my toe has dried.
but was still quite painful cos there's no nail protecting the flesh.
anw learn quite alot of things for maths.
for GP, we were all quite shocked but expected as when mdm ong asked faezah to cut the names. we knew it was for our PW.
my grp comprises of myself, ayesshah, qiaoying, shalani & hanis
& then for POA mr tan gave back test results.
i just passed! because of careless mistakes in the second question.
i could have done better.
congrats to faezah for getting full marks! :D
oh yah. had to come early on that day to do the MI dance at the art gallery.
humaira & rizal were tying out the MI dance. so yeah.
after school, stayed back for a while with the games committee.
19th feb. for PE, we tried once again to tell the teachers about it. but they still couldnt take it
so ain & i decided to retake the test again. 2 weeks from then.
& we're gonna pass this time. & get it over and done with. hopefully.
for maths. went through new sub topics again.
for malay, we got back our results and i got a 65/100.
quite happy because i got a B!
actually could have done better if not for my imbuhan. failed my imbuhan badly luh. but i thnk i did quite badly for the compo. so there goes my B huh.
there was a meeting at 5pm.
actually i didnt really rmb wat happened after that.
20th feb. reported to sch by 7am.
we all wore school uniform to school.
started ushering the students in. & i'm an OGL of NEUTRONS 3!
was so weird to shout neutrons because i was so used to shouting out barneys.
didnt realise that jaz was in the same grp as me!
fellow barney member :D
anw. orientation on the first day was quite boring cos it was all the boring talks.
but we were allowed to go for PW lesson.
for PW lesson, i went to the centre stage to learn a different learning style.
had debrief & then stayed back to play the water games with some of the people.
was so funny man. especially when some of them didnt expected to get wet at all.
thanks to qiaoying ar!
hhahahahaha. and farhan & suhaimi. LOL. especially at the corner.
but the worst was arfie. before the game even started, she got wet! LOLOL!!
v fun :D
& then we had our dinner at macs.
shall not say much about what happened cos it's our secret :D:D:D
reported to sch in sch uniform cos i was suppose to be under training for nat flag.
dont know why but i was feeling damn nervous.
haha. today was not at all boring cos we started playing games alr :D
for the "water games", darwina & i were the game masters for the human chain
which doesnt involve water at all. LOLOL!
after which, we stayed to play the mystery game.
anw, after which we had our dinner at KFC!
hahaha. dont really really what happened either -.-"
22nd feb. as per normal reported to sch by 7am
early morning, someone alr pissed the hell out of me!
shall not elaborate on this.
we had family race after all the admin stuffs.
and we were the first team to finish!
gooooooooooo neutrons!
& then the muslims had to go for prayers
and while waiting for them, the rest practiced their cheers & finale items and all
& then was mystery game.
before that. we took pictures :D
part of the OGLS for neutrons!
jaz jaz! whahaha. i thnk she's the only barney that came to MI.
neutrons clan!! wahahaha
ouh ouh. for the mystery game rite, NEUTRONS was the only clan that got the answer correct!
we are 1st :D
& for dinner rite. guess where we ate?
hahahahaha. BK LAH! cos macs and KFC eat alr mah past few days. LOL
ogls wore this. SEXY!
ouh. was quite upset cos i did badly for chem :(
anw. for today. dont thnk going anywhere cos quite tired.
and tmr there's kugiran with the family. so another looooooong day ahead.
ouh. neutrons, please give your fullest on monday k?
must be best clan! :D
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